
“The late Maya Angelou said, “I come as 1 but stand as 10,000.”  Referencing, all those ancestors gone before.  We have a mission to complete.  What if our loved ones in heaven are like our umbrella? If we stay true to our path, they will shield us from the storm.–”

Sanna Phillips


Produced in Studio B at Blue Sky Systems LLC

Who We Are?

Conversations With Our Father

I’m from the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains where we know good people, good conversations, and good coffee.  Where it’s easy to take that for granted, just like southern food.

I’m amazed by the “ordinary people” and how they do life.  In times of loneliness I’ve learned to find comfort in those people, watching their habits, how they carry their day, and if I get to have a conversation with them, I’ll always cherish it.  One time, I met a guy who was delivering pizzas but had a fiction book line of murder mysteries, now that’s interesting!  People should know about that, but it’s just his everyday life.  Working at the feet of my family, I learned the appreciation of people.  I learned how to bring people together and find greatness within myself and see it in others.  That’s where God comes in, I believe he lives in each of us, he’s what we refer to when we say, “love”. 

There’s a tie that binds all this together and I want to keep that conversation going.  There’s a passion within that drives this, even when I don’t know how, I’ll just keep having the conversation.

It’s the art of the conversation that really means the most.  The details woven between the punctuation marks.  It’s what we do with our “dash”.  Thanks for being here and thanks for being a friend.